
I Have A Voice


This year I promised myself that I would talk more, share more on Instagram and write more on my blog  about differences and raising a child with down syndrome. As I don't want down syndrome to be the main focus, because everyday that goes by I realize that yes, down syndrome is apart of our life, but I don't want it to consume us. It is only a small part of who we are as a family. I just want to share with others how it makes us better people.  I want to be a voice for my son and any other families out there that are blessed to have a child with down syndrome or any special needs. I feel I have learned so much along the way, but yet still have so much to learn. We are all more a like then we know and that is how I look at my son. He is just Dylan with an extra something special. It comes with it's challenges, but doesn't anything? He is  amazing and I am the happiest person alive that I get to be his mom and share this amazing journey with him. I am so thankful that I get to teach and help him grow into the person that he is and will become. I am thankful that I get to rock him to bed every night. I am thankful to share his joys and accomplishments when he learns something new. Is it hard? Your darn right it's hard. Their are days I cry because my son cannot tell me he loves me, I cry because he cannot express how he feels or when he wants a drink of something. Thank GOD for "baby signing time" because he has learned to communicate through signing.  Their are hard days and when I say hard it's hard times a million, but all those smiles that I get every morning when he wakes up, or the 50 millions "highs" that he says to everyone when going to Costco or the store, the kisses he blows to complete strangers, and the hugs he gives to everyone at school and therapy makes up for every single hard day!

Dylan shows us how to appreciate things that we have always taken for granted. He has brought so much joy to our lives, and we feel so blessed that God chose us to be his parents. We love him so much. I want to let you all know I am no Author or expert at writing. I know and think I did pretty well in english and grammar when I was in school, but somewhere along the way I think I lost it. Maybe it's that I am going to be 34 this year...HA! So I apologize for all my incorrect grammar and misspelled words if any. But my goal for this blog is not about the grammar and if I am this amazing writer, because I am no where near it. My goal for this blog is not about how amazing I write it is to show the "world" the "universe" that our life is just like anyone else's and that we are a normal family ( even if there is such thing as normal these days) just with a little extra something special.

So today, tomorrow and yesterday I have a voice. I have a voice so loud that I want anyone and everyone to hear and listen. When I first started this blog I did it for my family, but I want it to be much more. Please if you dont already follow along I hope that you will soon. Come join me on this amazing journey with me and our family. Help to be a voice and to teach people that "Differences" is what makes are world go round and that we are all amazing people and God made us all different for a reason. If you don't already follow us on Instagram you can find me and our family @MLOPEZ2010. Happy Friday to all of you and I am thankful for all of you!

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