
What's In Your Activity Box


This year I promised myself that I would write more and share more on our blog! I love everything about life and love sharing my stories through words and photos, this is a much needed outlet for me as a mom, I find it helping me to look deeper into the beauty of what life is all about, and reaching further to enjoy those special moments. Not only is this a blog that I hope people will follow and I can be a voice but I hope my children will look back on this one day and enjoy our family journal as this is what I started it for. It will still remain the same, but with some added motherly advice, advocate for Down syndrome, cooking lover and a loving wife to my hubby! Hope you will stay awhile….

Today I decided to write about Dylan's therapy and activity box - (This is what I call it) This is a big box that I created and put together ( with the help of the therapist ) of all the activities that we work on with Dylan on a daily bases. Most of the activities are the same as what his therapist are also working on. I usually work with him twice a day morning and afternoon for about 45 minutes each time. I say 45 minutes but sometimes I only get 15 minutes out of him depending on the mood he is in? I am sure some of you know what I am talking about? I put him in his highchair when we do this only because I do get more attention out of him as opposed to him sitting on the floor when he can get distracted. I am a firm believer that no matter how much therapy or schooling your child gets, it is also very important that us as parents work with them also. It sets a great example, but it also helps with their growth and learning. I wanted to share some of the items that are in Dylan's box in case anyone is looking for some great tools, toys or any fun activities to help with your child's learning or just for some fun time. These activities are great for speech, gross motor skills and also oral motor stimulation.

Match Play- Puzzles are great to help match and learn there shapes and animals. The shape puzzle we also use to help Dylan with picking up with his two fingers.
Animals- This big bin is full of farm animals. With this activity I start with showing him the animals so he can make the animal sounds, and then we move on to taking 2 animals to see if he can pick which one it is that I am asking him for.
Matching Game- This is an awesome activity. It comes with 5 big cards and objects that you match it with. It has food, ocean animals, clothes they wear, trucks and outside objects. I will give him a card and then the object that he needs to match it with.  
Stickers - We use the sticker book to make finding and knowing body parts fun. I will put a sticker on each body part and have him pull it off. This helps with knowing where he is pulling it from and then eventually pointing and knowing where his head, ears, nose, toes and mouth are. With this activity and working hard, Dylan actually knows where all his body parts are now. He is doing awesome!
Flash Cards- I made these on my own. It's super easy- you can just google the animals and print them out and glue them to index cards. With the flash cards and this activity I will show him the animal and he will either say or sign back what animal it is.
Small Blocks - The small blocks are great for teaching a child how to use there index and thumb finger to pick up small objects. This is one activity we are working very hard on and so far he can stack 4.

Colors - These flash cards Dylan got as a Christmas gift. They are really big and fun! With these I work on speech and seeing if he can separate which color is which.

Quarter Slots - I love doing this one with Dylan because he is so good at it now and he gets so excited when he gets all of them in. This one my husband actually made. You can get these little boxes at Michael's and just cut a little slot in the middle. I am working on quarters with him and he now can get all 4 in. Again this is great to help them learn to pick up an object and then put it in the hole. Are next goal is to get him to pick up a penny. It really will help with his "pincher grabbing"

Stacking- I found these one's at Target. I really like them because you can stack both ways which makes it fun for him and gives him two ways to learn how to stack.

Big Blocks- The big blocks are a great way to start with stacking for babies and they are safe when your child learns how to throw they cannot hurt anyone.

Windmills- These little windmills have been amazing for Dylan in learning how to blow and work on his oral motor skills. When Dylan was little I was not told the importance of getting him to drink out of a straw first as opposed to a sippy cup, so we are doing it back wards. He does awesome with the sippy cup, but now we are working on getting his little lips strong enough to slowly learn to drink out of a straw. He loves these because there is a cause and effect. He knows if he blows the windmill will spin. They are awesome to help strengthen the mouth and lips.

Drawing & Coloring - I use the markers and white board to work on circles and as Dylan would say
"girlcle" ha... I also work on other shapes and up and down motions. With the markers we are working on learning how to pull off the cap and put it back on, and just today he did both!

Hope everyone is having an amazing 2015!

Love, Michelle

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