
That's A Wrap


Well, as 2012 has come to an end, and 2013 is just beginning I would like to reflect back on 2012 and what I look forward to for 2013....

2012 was the BEST year but also one of the hardest most emotional year's Greg and I have ever had. Greg started a new job, I lost a very dear childhood friend Megan, had our first born child, my grandmother passed away, bought and moved into our new home and Dylan went through open heart surgery! I guess you could say I am ready to put 2012 behind us and move onto 2013!!!

This past year we have had our ups and we have had our downs. Every year you learn and grow from something that has happened. I think my biggest learning experience was the birth of Dylan. Most of you know that we were unaware of the fact that Dylan had 2 holes in his heart and had down syndrome. I can sit here and say " how did they not see it" but it was just not meant to happen that way. Dylan was born into this world and given to us to be his parents and raise him to the best of our ability. Don't get me wrong Greg and I were very sad when we found out the news when he was born...Wouldn't you? It was a hard reality to face at first. But when you hold your child for the first time, nothing else matters. He is yours and that is it. We love him no matter what! We want the best for him even with his extra chromosome! Dylan has taught Greg and I so much. To love more, to love often and never get mad. Life is honestly way to short. The crazy thing is you CANNOT control anything. God has his hands on everything and what he gives you is not just handed to you. He has planned it and knows exactly what he is doing! For the first time in my life I am at peace, I know my purpose in life and want to enjoy every waking moment. I am so in love with being a a friend to the greatest girlfriends in the world, a loving little sister to my big sister, an auntie to my niece and nephews, a daughter, a grand daughter, a daughter-in-law, a wife to my husband and most of all a mommy to my beautiful son. The joy I get from all of this is the greatest feeling I have ever known!

I hope everyone had a beautiful 2012 and can reflect on this past year as much as I have. I pray 2013 will be a year of Joy, Happiness and Health for everyone! My new year's resolution for myself is to live life to the fullest and do all the things I want to do! Happy New Year, Love the Lopez's


  1. Michelle and Greg and Dylan,
    We have met only a couple of times, but I do feel I have known Greg since he was a Little Leaguer and always enjoy it when our paths do cross. After reading your letter, I sat here with tears in my eyes, but not tears of sadness. Through your words, you have taught me another message of gratitude for whatever life gives you. Our journeys on this earth are certainly interesting. You have beautifully shared how difficulties and losses can be embraced if you have the right attitude. As a mother, I know the power that love has to meet any challenges. I walk away from your letter with the biggest smile to know that your mother's heart is so full of love that you could express the realities of the last year with honesty and hope and appreciation for God and His hand in our lives. I can see and feel your inner and outer beauty Michelle. May God continue to bless your lives with His strength, compassion and love that comes through this letter so clearly.
    Sent with love,
    Andrea Casella

  2. Hello Andrea! This is the sweetest comment. Thank you so much for the kind words. I am so glad my blog has touched your heart. This is why I love writing and hope that along the way it may touch someone's heart. Greg says hello and we hope you can meet Dylan one day! Love, Always Michelle


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