
Haylee:: 3 Months


Who knew that the last 3 months would go by as fast as they have? I cannot believe my baby girl is 3 months old. She is getting so big and growing up so quick! She loves her morning naps in her swing and is now been taking her afternoon naps in her crib-which I love! She is up to about 6 ounces per feeding and pretty much eats every 3-4 hours. I have been working really hard on getting her and Dylan down for bed at the same time, so my husband and I can still have some quality time together before we both pass out on the couch...HA! We start bath time around 6:30 and bed time routine about 7 and both Dylan and Haylee are passed out about 7:15. Sometimes Dylan will stay up a little later, but Haylee is pretty much on routine and is ready by that time. She is going from 7-2:30 and waking up hungry, so we give her about 4 ounces and she goes right back to bed till about 6. I am hoping in the next month or so that, that middle feeding will go away and if not that is ok.

Haylee is such a little love bug. She is starting to smile and make the cutest noises, especially when her brother talks to her while in her bouncy seat. She is pretty much holding her head up, but not quite all the time yet. We work on her tummy time everyday. She loves to watch Mickey Mouse club house with her brother and  Baby Einstein Dvd Collection Mom's #1 Choice . I have always loved Baby Einsteins as they are really great for the babies development and stimulation of the brain. We probaby play it about 2 times a day, she loves it and so does Dylan!

Haylee Happy 3 Month! Me, Daddy and Dylan love you so much and we cannot wait to see you grow more each and everyday!

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