
Being A Mom And Doing What Works For You


When I had Dylan 2 years ago and brought him home for the first time I never worried about how or when he would sleep through the night, when to swaddle or not swaddle him anymore,   breast feed or not breast feed, let him sleep in his bed or not to let him sleep in his bed, how many hours in between feedings to feed him, to wake him or not wake him, and when to get him on a sleep schedule. I just wanted to to be a mom and love him everyday. Everything just fell into place and I never worried about all of the things that I listed above. These are so many things that us "MOMS" worry so much about!

It has been so different this time around with Haylee for me. I have been stressed about all of the things I listed above. I am not sure why, but maybe because there are just too many things on the intranet and books on how we need to have our babies on a schedule by a certain age and a certain time and how and where are babies should be sleeping, Why is that?  I have spent many nights reading and sending text to my girlfriends asking them how their baby's are doing and what schedule they are on and how they are doing it and what tricks they use to get them to sleep through the night and what bottles they are using and are they swaddling and not swaddling... my list could go on and on. Doing this has just stressed me out to the max!

The other day I told myself I would not stress over these things anymore and just let my baby girl tell me when she is ready for what she is ready for. Stressing over these things takes the enjoyment out of watching your child grow up and enjoying the moments each day has to bring. I have always said, that "what works for you may not work for me and what works for me may not work for you". We all have different lifestyles and views on things in life. I personally never really understood co-sleeping as I always have had my babies in their own beds, but after spending some time with friends that both parents work everyday and don't see their kids all day long. So when bed time comes that is their bonding time with them. So guess what?, that's what works for them and I love it! 2 nights ago I put Haylee in her crib upstairs (9 weeks old) as I wanted to have her get used to it and start to sleep in her own bed. I woke up about 2:00am (when she woke up) and brought her right back down to her co-sleeper. I hated every minute of her up there, I wanted her next to me. I was not ready and still not ready for her to sleep in her crib. I am not sure when I will be ready but for now I will enjoy the moments of her being in our room. I will also let her nap where she wants to nap. She loves her swing and as I am writing this post she has almost been sleeping for 2 hours, so I will let her do that for as long as she wants.

I love that we are all so different and have many different views and opinions about life. I love that I can call my girlfriends and ask them 50 millions questions and they in return will answer and give me great advice, but I love that I am my own person and can do what I want for my babies and my family."The bond between a mother and child is natural, but it also needs to be nurtured." I love this saying. We really need to enjoy the moments we have with our babies because they will be 21 before we know it and not wanting to spend time with us as parents. So today I will cherish that my daughter does not sleep through the night and she still wakes up hungry and needs me to rock her to sleep. I will cherish that right now my son is still not walking, but that means I get to carry him that much longer. I will cherish that my daughter sleeps in my room still because one day she will be asking to have sleep overs with her friends and will not be there in the morning. I will cherish that I have an amazing son with special needs that may always and forever live with my husband and I, but I will get to be that mom that will never have an empty nest. I will cherish that God has given me these amazing babies that I love so very much and we will let them strive and grow on there own time. Being a mom is hard but so rewarding at the same time! So do what works for you and what makes you happy!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!

Love, Michelle

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