
Happy New Year!


2014 has been an amazing year for our family! I am grateful for this year and excited and inspired to see what 2015 has to bring. I have learned so much this year in being a mommy, a wife and a friend. I have learned that life is too short and to cherish every waking moment because we don't know when it's our last. I have learned that life is hard and you will get through it, but life is also an amazing gift that we get to live each and everyday. My son is the most amazing little boy in the world and he inspires me everyday to do my best, he is my angel and I adore him. My daughter is beautiful and I love her more then anything. I cannot wait to see her and Dylan grow up together and she will protect him her whole life! Then there is my husband, my rock, my best friend and the love of my life. I love you so much and cherish our marriage and how hard you work to give our family this amazing life! To my family you are my life and I don't know where I would be without you. I love all of you! To my friends, you each share a special place in my heart and I am so thankful I get to share this life with all of you. 2014 you have been great! May 2015 bring joy, happiness and health to all of you!
The photos below are my favorite highlights of 2014....

So long 2014 and Hello 2015....

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