
Home Sweet Home


Can you believe it? We are actually home, and I have never been more excited in my entire life!! Not only was Dylan's surgery very hard and stressful but being cooped up in a hospital for almost a week was not very fun.

Day 7 was a very exciting day for us. The doctors came in the morning to do a last echo on Dylan, and they were very pleased with him, and they told us we were going to go home! The word home never sounded so good in my entire life. By 10:00am we were packing our things, and we finally left the hospital. It definitely was a bitter sweet moment for me. We met so many people and made new friends throughout  the week. I was also a little nervous over coming home and to be home alone with Dylan. I mean we have had nurses, doctors, family and so many other people helping care for Dylan this last week that now it's just back to our little family again.

When we got home on Monday, I told my mom that I would like her to make us a home-cooked meal for our celebration in bringing Dylan home. Throughout  our week at the hospital, Greg and I ate at a resturant everyday  breakfast, lunch and dinner. I mean I love going out but not that much. I never want to see another restaurant for about a month. My mom came over later that night and made us the most amazing chicken and potato dinner. Thank you mom, we love you very much!!

We are now on day 2 of being home, and Dylan is doing great! His schedule is a little off just because while we were in the hospital, they were waking him up to all the time for blood test, ex-rays, echo, medicine, etc. The poor little guy I think forgot how to sleep. So he has been waking up maybe two times through the night. His eating has sky rocketed, and he is eating like a champ. Before surgery, it was hard for Dylan to eat large amounts of his bottle only because his heart was working so fast to try and keep it down. However, now that his little heart is fixed it is much easier for him to breathe and eat. I am so thankful for that!

The last four months have been pretty painful for Greg and I. Ever since Dylan was born, and our world was rocked to the core when we found out about his heart condition and down syndrome our life has been on over drive. I think Greg, and I have lost about 20 years of our lives in the last 4 months, or at least we feel that way. Nevertheless, the last four months have also been the most amazing four months of our lives, and we have never been stronger in our faith and our marriage. God brought Dylan into our lives for a reason. He has taught us so much already, and he is only four months old. He has given us strength, courage, love, security, and to always trust in god no matter what. We will never understand why things happen in life or why we are given the challenges that we take at hand, but god will always provide for us and be right there with us. We are so thankful for the doctor's and nurses at Choc. They fixed Dylan's little heart, and he will now have a brighter future because of them!  Whether you have gone through something like this, are going through something right now, or you may never have to, but I cannot explain how hard it is to see your child have to go through something like this. However, remember you have to be strong for them and let them know it will be ok. I am so glad this part in our lives is over, and Dylan has a stronger heart. We look forward to the future with him as his mommy and daddy and pray for his strength and growth throughout  his life. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers, messages and phone calls through this time. God truly has answered our prayers!!

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