
Dylan Surgery-Day 4


Not much has changed for Dylan since yesterday's post on surgery updates. Dylan is still holding strong and just sleeping as much as he can. Thank you to his pain medicine it is helping him stay comfortable until the tubes come out of his chest.

Yesterday they took another chest ex-ray and there was a little bit of fluid on the chest but nothing they were concerned about and it is a common thing that can happen after surgery. The nurses have still been trying to get him off of his oxygen but every time they do his levels go up just a little bit, so he is still hanging onto that little bit. We hope that after the drains come out he will be able to breathe a little bit better which will help him to get off of the oxygen. It is still so hard for me to see him in his little bed having to go through this but I just keep reminding myself that this surgery has made his future a brighter place.

Greg and I have been going a little stir crazy. We have been getting out to have lunches and dinner's but sitting in a hospital all day is not the most enjoyable thing in the world. I cannot wait to have a home cooked meal when we get home, eating out everyday is actually not that fun. I told Greg that I don't want to see another restaurant for about a month after we get home with Dylan. The doctor's told us if the tube's come out soon we will most likely be home Sunday afternoon. So we pray for that, but again it is all on Dylan's time and I want him to be 100% before we get in that car. We will still have a little road ahead of us as far as caring for Dylan when we get home. We will want to make sure we keep him away from anyone that is sick and any sick kids. This is cold and flu season and if Dylan gets sick for any reason he will be right back in the hospital. Now we can't keep him in a bubble but at least 6 weeks post surgery. We will also only be able to lift Dylan by his neck and bottom. They DO-NOT want us lifting by his arms. The sternum needs to heal and get back to normal. He will be on Tylenol and Lasiks when we get home also. The Tylenol is to manage his pain that he will still have and the Lasiks is to help with his blood pressure, any fluid that is built up in the heart and also to help his weak heart get better. So even though we are home it will still be a recovery time and keeping him safe and sound.

Greg and I could not be happier with how things are going. Dylan's is doing amazing with his recovery and the whole staff here at the hospital has been nothing but amazing! They have become our second family. I still cannot believe our little man went through a major heart surgery. They literally stopped his heart, put him on bypass, fixed his heart and started it up again like nothing ever happened. I am so thankful for our modern medicine today and all the amazing surgeons out there. I don't know where we would have been or how Dylan could of survived with out this amazing procedure.

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