
Dylan Surgery-Day 2


As you can see I have been writing these post a day late. I have been telling myself that I would write them at the end of everyday, but unfortunately my eyes cannot stay open one second longer by time we are ready to settle down and get some sleep.

Yesterday they took Dylan off of his breathing tube around 12:00pm. In the morning they were lowering the oxygen levels so by time they took it out he was pretty much breathing on his own. They also took him off of his sleeping medication so he could be a little more awake and aware of everything that was going on. They are still giving him pain medication as he still has the drains in from surgery. These are the drains that have been draining the fluid from his heart. Hopefully tomorrow he will get them removed. But one day at a time for this little guy. The doctors say that the drains are what causes them most of them pain so once those are out he will start to feel a whole lot better. Once they take the breathing tube out Dylan was not able to eat for 8 hours, I know it seems like a very long time but it actually went pretty quick. By 7:00 we were able to feed him a little bit of formula. We all thought he was not going to take much since he was still a little out of it but he sucked that bottle down. Again we could only give him about 2 ounces. We did not want to overwhelm his little belly and get sick.

So through out the night he ate every 4 hours and at every feeding he ate a little bit more and a little bit more. He slept pretty good through the night and mommy and daddy slept pretty good also. Of course you never really get great sleep in hospitals but we make do. Greg and I are actually sharing a little couch bed in his room, but neither of us want to leave his side. Dylan is making an AMAZING recovery so far and getting stronger everyday. With this surgery it is one day at a time. We hope that we will be home soon but again it is all up to him and how he feels. The doctors and nurses have been awesome and we could not ask for a better team! Hope everyone is having a great week and will update more on Dylan's recovery later!

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