
Heart Of Gold


Well it is less then 11 hours till Dylan will go in for his Open Heart surgery to repair the 2 holes in his heart. As I rocked him to sleep tonight I could not get the strength to put him to bed. I wanted to fall asleep with him and never let him go. My heart aches for him so bad! I cried so hard tonight knowing that I will not be able to hold him for a few days and let alone be away from him for 4 hours while he is in surgery. This will be the longest day of our lives. We have known that Dylan will have this surgery since he was born but now that it is here it is all so real. Dylan is a fighter and will do amazing! Greg and I know we have to be strong for him and we will, but I have never felt so sad and scared for someone in my whole life. I never thought being a parent would be one of the hardest things to do. To be strong for someone else when you are feeling sad and overwhelmed is a hard thing to accomplish, but we will for our little guy.

Today we had Dylan's pre-op appointment to get him ready for surgery tomorrow. Tonight we will have to wake him up around midnight to feed him so he is not so hungry in the morning and since he cannot eat 6 hours before surgery!!! Once we arrive at the hospital at 6am they will start to prep him with IV's and start to sedate him to calm his little nerves. After he is ready Greg and I will be able to walk him to the OR and then at that point I have to hand him off to the hands of the Surgeons and pray for his strength. Dylan will be in surgery for 4 hours from start to finish. Once he is done they will bring him into the recovery room where we will most likely be for the next 7 days.

Greg and I pray for Dylan's strength and courage during his surgery. I pray for Greg and I to have strength through all of this, that God will have his hands on our family and keep us strong. I think when we are all faced with big challenges in life we tend to dwell on why is this happening and this is going to be so hard, instead of thinking that there is a reason and that Dylan's heart will be that much stronger after this is all over with. His little heart will be stronger then ever!! I will keep everyone posted through out the surgery and recovery. Please pray for some sleep tonight for Greg and I. Speaking of I probably did not write everything that I wanted to because my eyes are barley open and all I want to do is to be next to my little man. So in saying that, good night!!

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