
I Have A Voice


This year I promised myself that I would talk more, share more on Instagram and write more on my blog  about differences and raising a child with down syndrome. As I don't want down syndrome to be the main focus, because everyday that goes by I realize that yes, down syndrome is apart of our life, but I don't want it to consume us. It is only a small part of who we are as a family. I just want to share with others how it makes us better people.  I want to be a voice for my son and any other families out there that are blessed to have a child with down syndrome or any special needs. I feel I have learned so much along the way, but yet still have so much to learn. We are all more a like then we know and that is how I look at my son. He is just Dylan with an extra something special. It comes with it's challenges, but doesn't anything? He is  amazing and I am the happiest person alive that I get to be his mom and share this amazing journey with him. I am so thankful that I get to teach and help him grow into the person that he is and will become. I am thankful that I get to rock him to bed every night. I am thankful to share his joys and accomplishments when he learns something new. Is it hard? Your darn right it's hard. Their are days I cry because my son cannot tell me he loves me, I cry because he cannot express how he feels or when he wants a drink of something. Thank GOD for "baby signing time" because he has learned to communicate through signing.  Their are hard days and when I say hard it's hard times a million, but all those smiles that I get every morning when he wakes up, or the 50 millions "highs" that he says to everyone when going to Costco or the store, the kisses he blows to complete strangers, and the hugs he gives to everyone at school and therapy makes up for every single hard day!

Dylan shows us how to appreciate things that we have always taken for granted. He has brought so much joy to our lives, and we feel so blessed that God chose us to be his parents. We love him so much. I want to let you all know I am no Author or expert at writing. I know and think I did pretty well in english and grammar when I was in school, but somewhere along the way I think I lost it. Maybe it's that I am going to be 34 this year...HA! So I apologize for all my incorrect grammar and misspelled words if any. But my goal for this blog is not about the grammar and if I am this amazing writer, because I am no where near it. My goal for this blog is not about how amazing I write it is to show the "world" the "universe" that our life is just like anyone else's and that we are a normal family ( even if there is such thing as normal these days) just with a little extra something special.

So today, tomorrow and yesterday I have a voice. I have a voice so loud that I want anyone and everyone to hear and listen. When I first started this blog I did it for my family, but I want it to be much more. Please if you dont already follow along I hope that you will soon. Come join me on this amazing journey with me and our family. Help to be a voice and to teach people that "Differences" is what makes are world go round and that we are all amazing people and God made us all different for a reason. If you don't already follow us on Instagram you can find me and our family @MLOPEZ2010. Happy Friday to all of you and I am thankful for all of you!

Being A Mom And Doing What Works For You


When I had Dylan 2 years ago and brought him home for the first time I never worried about how or when he would sleep through the night, when to swaddle or not swaddle him anymore,   breast feed or not breast feed, let him sleep in his bed or not to let him sleep in his bed, how many hours in between feedings to feed him, to wake him or not wake him, and when to get him on a sleep schedule. I just wanted to to be a mom and love him everyday. Everything just fell into place and I never worried about all of the things that I listed above. These are so many things that us "MOMS" worry so much about!

It has been so different this time around with Haylee for me. I have been stressed about all of the things I listed above. I am not sure why, but maybe because there are just too many things on the intranet and books on how we need to have our babies on a schedule by a certain age and a certain time and how and where are babies should be sleeping, Why is that?  I have spent many nights reading and sending text to my girlfriends asking them how their baby's are doing and what schedule they are on and how they are doing it and what tricks they use to get them to sleep through the night and what bottles they are using and are they swaddling and not swaddling... my list could go on and on. Doing this has just stressed me out to the max!

The other day I told myself I would not stress over these things anymore and just let my baby girl tell me when she is ready for what she is ready for. Stressing over these things takes the enjoyment out of watching your child grow up and enjoying the moments each day has to bring. I have always said, that "what works for you may not work for me and what works for me may not work for you". We all have different lifestyles and views on things in life. I personally never really understood co-sleeping as I always have had my babies in their own beds, but after spending some time with friends that both parents work everyday and don't see their kids all day long. So when bed time comes that is their bonding time with them. So guess what?, that's what works for them and I love it! 2 nights ago I put Haylee in her crib upstairs (9 weeks old) as I wanted to have her get used to it and start to sleep in her own bed. I woke up about 2:00am (when she woke up) and brought her right back down to her co-sleeper. I hated every minute of her up there, I wanted her next to me. I was not ready and still not ready for her to sleep in her crib. I am not sure when I will be ready but for now I will enjoy the moments of her being in our room. I will also let her nap where she wants to nap. She loves her swing and as I am writing this post she has almost been sleeping for 2 hours, so I will let her do that for as long as she wants.

I love that we are all so different and have many different views and opinions about life. I love that I can call my girlfriends and ask them 50 millions questions and they in return will answer and give me great advice, but I love that I am my own person and can do what I want for my babies and my family."The bond between a mother and child is natural, but it also needs to be nurtured." I love this saying. We really need to enjoy the moments we have with our babies because they will be 21 before we know it and not wanting to spend time with us as parents. So today I will cherish that my daughter does not sleep through the night and she still wakes up hungry and needs me to rock her to sleep. I will cherish that right now my son is still not walking, but that means I get to carry him that much longer. I will cherish that my daughter sleeps in my room still because one day she will be asking to have sleep overs with her friends and will not be there in the morning. I will cherish that I have an amazing son with special needs that may always and forever live with my husband and I, but I will get to be that mom that will never have an empty nest. I will cherish that God has given me these amazing babies that I love so very much and we will let them strive and grow on there own time. Being a mom is hard but so rewarding at the same time! So do what works for you and what makes you happy!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!

Love, Michelle

What's In Your Activity Box


This year I promised myself that I would write more and share more on our blog! I love everything about life and love sharing my stories through words and photos, this is a much needed outlet for me as a mom, I find it helping me to look deeper into the beauty of what life is all about, and reaching further to enjoy those special moments. Not only is this a blog that I hope people will follow and I can be a voice but I hope my children will look back on this one day and enjoy our family journal as this is what I started it for. It will still remain the same, but with some added motherly advice, advocate for Down syndrome, cooking lover and a loving wife to my hubby! Hope you will stay awhile….

Today I decided to write about Dylan's therapy and activity box - (This is what I call it) This is a big box that I created and put together ( with the help of the therapist ) of all the activities that we work on with Dylan on a daily bases. Most of the activities are the same as what his therapist are also working on. I usually work with him twice a day morning and afternoon for about 45 minutes each time. I say 45 minutes but sometimes I only get 15 minutes out of him depending on the mood he is in? I am sure some of you know what I am talking about? I put him in his highchair when we do this only because I do get more attention out of him as opposed to him sitting on the floor when he can get distracted. I am a firm believer that no matter how much therapy or schooling your child gets, it is also very important that us as parents work with them also. It sets a great example, but it also helps with their growth and learning. I wanted to share some of the items that are in Dylan's box in case anyone is looking for some great tools, toys or any fun activities to help with your child's learning or just for some fun time. These activities are great for speech, gross motor skills and also oral motor stimulation.

Match Play- Puzzles are great to help match and learn there shapes and animals. The shape puzzle we also use to help Dylan with picking up with his two fingers.
Animals- This big bin is full of farm animals. With this activity I start with showing him the animals so he can make the animal sounds, and then we move on to taking 2 animals to see if he can pick which one it is that I am asking him for.
Matching Game- This is an awesome activity. It comes with 5 big cards and objects that you match it with. It has food, ocean animals, clothes they wear, trucks and outside objects. I will give him a card and then the object that he needs to match it with.  
Stickers - We use the sticker book to make finding and knowing body parts fun. I will put a sticker on each body part and have him pull it off. This helps with knowing where he is pulling it from and then eventually pointing and knowing where his head, ears, nose, toes and mouth are. With this activity and working hard, Dylan actually knows where all his body parts are now. He is doing awesome!
Flash Cards- I made these on my own. It's super easy- you can just google the animals and print them out and glue them to index cards. With the flash cards and this activity I will show him the animal and he will either say or sign back what animal it is.
Small Blocks - The small blocks are great for teaching a child how to use there index and thumb finger to pick up small objects. This is one activity we are working very hard on and so far he can stack 4.

Colors - These flash cards Dylan got as a Christmas gift. They are really big and fun! With these I work on speech and seeing if he can separate which color is which.

Quarter Slots - I love doing this one with Dylan because he is so good at it now and he gets so excited when he gets all of them in. This one my husband actually made. You can get these little boxes at Michael's and just cut a little slot in the middle. I am working on quarters with him and he now can get all 4 in. Again this is great to help them learn to pick up an object and then put it in the hole. Are next goal is to get him to pick up a penny. It really will help with his "pincher grabbing"

Stacking- I found these one's at Target. I really like them because you can stack both ways which makes it fun for him and gives him two ways to learn how to stack.

Big Blocks- The big blocks are a great way to start with stacking for babies and they are safe when your child learns how to throw they cannot hurt anyone.

Windmills- These little windmills have been amazing for Dylan in learning how to blow and work on his oral motor skills. When Dylan was little I was not told the importance of getting him to drink out of a straw first as opposed to a sippy cup, so we are doing it back wards. He does awesome with the sippy cup, but now we are working on getting his little lips strong enough to slowly learn to drink out of a straw. He loves these because there is a cause and effect. He knows if he blows the windmill will spin. They are awesome to help strengthen the mouth and lips.

Drawing & Coloring - I use the markers and white board to work on circles and as Dylan would say
"girlcle" ha... I also work on other shapes and up and down motions. With the markers we are working on learning how to pull off the cap and put it back on, and just today he did both!

Hope everyone is having an amazing 2015!

Love, Michelle

Haylee:: 2 Months


I can't believe our little girl is 2 months already ( well as of January, 3) but of course I am a little late on my post. I have realized having 2 babies now kind of puts a damper on your time through out the day. So my post kind of get the back seat for a little while till we get this whole schedule down.

Last week we went for Haylee's 2 month check up and she is 12 pounds and 28 inches tall. She is in the 58% for weight and 98% for height. I think this little girl is going to be tall. Greg has got some height on his side of the family so I knew their would be a chance. She is taking about 3 naps a day about 2 hours each time, and goes down around 7:30 or 8 and wakes back up at 3 and then back down till 6. We are working on getting her to sleep through the night, but that will come in time. She loves to be in her baby bjorn at night as that is her fussy time. She loves to be swaddled, and loves her bouncy seat for naps. She pretty much cries when she is hungry and tired, which is just a typical little baby. Haylee is the sweetest little girl and we just love her so much. Dylan is finally adjusting to her and loves to sit and look at her. He loves to give her kisses and also help me burp her. We have been practicing our tummy time to get her little head strong and so far she does not mind it. We are enjoying being a family of 4 and I am loving every minute of it!

Happy New Year!


2014 has been an amazing year for our family! I am grateful for this year and excited and inspired to see what 2015 has to bring. I have learned so much this year in being a mommy, a wife and a friend. I have learned that life is too short and to cherish every waking moment because we don't know when it's our last. I have learned that life is hard and you will get through it, but life is also an amazing gift that we get to live each and everyday. My son is the most amazing little boy in the world and he inspires me everyday to do my best, he is my angel and I adore him. My daughter is beautiful and I love her more then anything. I cannot wait to see her and Dylan grow up together and she will protect him her whole life! Then there is my husband, my rock, my best friend and the love of my life. I love you so much and cherish our marriage and how hard you work to give our family this amazing life! To my family you are my life and I don't know where I would be without you. I love all of you! To my friends, you each share a special place in my heart and I am so thankful I get to share this life with all of you. 2014 you have been great! May 2015 bring joy, happiness and health to all of you!
The photos below are my favorite highlights of 2014....

So long 2014 and Hello 2015....

Christmas Is What I love

Christmas is something I have always loved and waited for all year long for it to arrive. This year was a little different in that I did not get into as much decorating as I would have liked to. I should give myself a little credit as we did just have a baby 8 weeks ago!

This year was an exciting year for us as we hosted our first Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at our house. I told everyone with baby #2 coming it would be a lot easier to have everyone here so we don't have to pack up for an army to travel to 5 different places through the holidays. I was so excited as this is something I have wanted to do for a very long time. Christmas Eve we had my family over and then Christmas Day we had Greg's side of the family over. We did potluck which was very nice, but next year I plan on cooking for everyone! Christmas morning was very nice just spending it with my little family. Dylan had so much fun opening his presents and being the only one, but next year it will be a whole different story as his sister will be in on the action. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed your holidays with family and friends!

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