
Talking and Walking


The past few weeks have been full of milestones, celebrations and complete happiness. I love having the dynamic of two amazing children, one typical and one with special needs. The fact is that they both are so different, and watching the difference in milestones is truly heartfelt. It reminds me how different everyone is and how special we all are. We have always had a saying in our home-we don't push for our kids to do anything, we let them learn and try on their own and celebrate when those milestones are met. I love watching Haylee and Dylan play together, and watching them teach each other is just the happiness of my day!

We have been working very hard on Dylan's speech with letters, numbers and colors. It's not that we just started we have been working for quite some time now, and we work with him everyday as well as he learns in school and therapy. The other night Greg and I sat down before bed and I pulled out some new flash cards of his ABC's and out of no where he nailed every single one of them. Now they are not the clearest, but the fact of the matter is he said ALL of them! I was speechless....and I know that little boy is one smart cookie!

IMG_0732 from Michelle Lopez on Vimeo.

Now on the other hand-Haylee has been taking little steps the past few weeks, and I know this post is a few weeks late, but she is walking everywhere. She started with 1-2 steps, then got a little braver and kept taking more till one day it happened. She loves to walk all the time now, and I kind of like it so this mama's arms can get a little break!

IMG_0734 from Michelle Lopez on Vimeo.

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