
Haylee Is One


Well what can I say, but I am a little late on this post. Our life has been pretty crazy around here with school, therapy, daily household chores, work and just trying to keep up with life, and of course the holidays coming soon. I still cannot believe Haylee is a one year old. The time seems to go by so much faster these days and I can barley keep up with how fast my kids are growing up. It makes me sad to see how fast time goes, but it also makes me appreciate the time I have, and to remind myself to slow down just a little more everyday and not worry so much about the (house cleaning, the grocery shopping, picking up toys) and what my kids are doing and not doing. It makes me appreciate life!

Haylee is so full of energy these days! She has the sweetest little heart, but she is a little spit fire, and loves to scream at the top of her lungs for no apparent reason. Yes that is a girl...She eats everything in site, and when I mean everything. I can't even go to the grocery store without her asking me for a "bite" of something in the cart. She weighs about 23 pounds and getting taller everyday. She is walking everywhere and literally just in time for her first birthday party. She sleeps about 11-12 hours a night, always has to have her stuffed dog and has lots of words, as we are learning with brother. Our sweet Haylee is truly a little bundle of joy and we love her so much! She is the best sister to her brother and I am enjoying there bond grow each and every day!

This last weekend we had a sweet and simple birthday party for miss Haylee. When Dylan turned one I did the HUGE party with everyone, and this time I wanted to just enjoy my family and ensure that it was special for Haylee. It was so much easier and much more relaxing. She loved playing with her cousins and all her aunties, uncles and grandma's and grandpa's.

Haylee Lynn- We love you so much and are truly a gift from god! Happy Birthday Sweet Girl...

Birthday Run With My Birthday Girl

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