
Shine Brighter Then A Night Star


 As we approach our IEP meeting and school decisions for our little man it scares me to death to see this little boy start school, but at the same time my heart is filled with joy knowing he will do just fine because he is a strong and loving little boy! One of my visions and dreams is for Dylan to be excepted just the way he is and just like you and I. I want people to see his disability because that's who he is, but I don't want people... to use that as a crutch. He is beautiful inside and out. I have always wanted Dylan to have the chance to go to a typical preschool along with his special education school to. He needs both of them because he will learn harder. I pray for the hearts of the kids at his new school will be softened because of him and know that the world makes us all different, but more alike then we know!
I met with a typical preschool about 3 weeks ago and had a meeting with the director, we talked about my dreams, my concerns and my goals for him. We talked for hours. I left leaving there with a great since of peace knowing I went in there with my whole heart fighting for my son and for other families one day to find him a place in life of acceptance and to be his best advocate always!!!! Today we got the call they would love with open arms to have Dylan be apart of there school and family. Dylan will be the first student to attend this preschool with a disability so to all the other preschools that I called and all you could tell me is that you are " not equipped" for my son to attend your school, well your school was not right for him anyways. Always stay true to your dreams and never give up. All I can say is this: To the future classmates of my son, your hearts will forever change and the beauty in your eyes will sparkle because of a love and friendship you will gain you will never have one like that! My son is amazing and beautiful, he is awesome and strong and Dylan you will shine like you have never shined before!
"Always be your own different"
Michelle, xo

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