
A big boy with big goals


When Dylan was born and we found out that he had down syndrome... so many things went through my mind as to what his future would look like and how hard things would be for him? We knew things would be a little bit more of a struggle for him, and that it would take a little longer for him to meet his milestones, but we knew that he would have no problem doing awesome in life and striving for every goal possible. That beautiful, strong and loving little extra chromosome would not keep him from reaching every goal and dream he will ever want. He is a strong and awesome little boy from the day he was born. He will do anything if he puts his mind to it!
When Dylan was about 12 months we started physical therapy at an amazing therapy place by our house. He started going 2 days a week and then we added a 3rd day as he got older. His sessions are an hour long and they work on his core strength, his leg strength, they climb stairs, go down slides, play in ball pits and much more. We are so lucky to have such amazing therapists who work hard with Dylan and he works hard with them. Greg and I work very closely with the therapist to ensure we are doing the same things at home with him. He gets so excited to go to therapy everyday and it makes me so happy. 
With all of Dylan's hard work over the years, the day has finally come, the day that I have been dreaming of, praying for and praising Dylan for every single day.  He is walking, walking and walking. He is anywhere and everywhere. Our little determined, motivated and strong awesome little boy has reached one of his goals he has been working so hard for. He won't be running anytime soon, but we take one step at a time! This is just a reminder that we can do anything if we put our mind to is. This little boy gives me the motivation and strength to strive for my goals and to live an amazing life. Dream big and set goals and with that we will achieve anything and everything!

IMG 6837 from Michelle Lopez on Vimeo.

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