
Health And Beyond


Well I feel like it's been a whirlwind over here in our home the past few months. It's been awhile since I have blogged and I feel like I am saying that more and more these days. It's just been a pretty crazy start of the year for us. Some days I just can't keep my head above water.

This year I promised myself that I would really focus on my health and more of me. I can't even remember the last time I really felt good about myself and had energy. I would always tell myself that this would be the year and I always failed. Something got in the way or life just happened. But this year was really going to be the year! The past few months I have taken a total different journey then I have ever taken before. If I look back just a few short months ago when one of my dearest and child hood friends asked me to do this challenge with her, I would have never imagined my life where It is today!. I don't even want to think of this as day 24 because I cannot wait to continue this amazing and healthy life that makes me feel so good inside and out. I was scared and nervous to start this challenge, but excited all at the same time. I was exci...ted to do something for myself for once. I took this on knowing this would be out of my comfort zone, but I wanted a challenge, I wanted a better me emotionally and physically. I wanted that for my kids, my husband, my family and friends! I have had goals and resolutions for the last (I can't even count anymore) that when I wrote that list down I never had one of them checked off. I knew 2016 was going to be different!
This year I promised myself that I would make changes-changes that would require me to step out of my comfort zone and do some things that would feel different, things that were not in my daily habits, but I knew how I felt and I wanted better! So I leaped and I built my wings on the way down. It's taught me to chase my dreams and never let the "naysayers" and "skeptics" stop me from following my gut intuition. 80% is based on your why, the other 20% is how? You have to have the desire for change. Whether you think you can or can't you are right. If you want to achieve in life its all about your mindset and the belief in yourself and in other people around you! The best part of this journey is that my beautiful mom who did it right along side me. I am so proud of her and how far she has come with this challenge. She has never glowed more then she does today! I have also met so many people along the way, who have supported me, encouraged me, and have been my greatest cheerleaders and will continue on my new life of health and AdvoCare! I am so thankful I gave this challenge a shot, because what I thought were going to be the longest 24 days of my life have been the most amazing days of my life. 24 short days that equal a lifetime of happiness....
My Daily Routine-My Daily Fuel-My Daily Energy
Please feel free to email me with any questions about AdvoCare. Or you can check out
Spark (Strawberry Mango, Grape and Fruit Punch are my faves)
Rehydrate (I mix Spark and Rehydrate together and sip on this during workouts)
Muscle Fuel (pre workout)
O2-Gold (I don't do cardio without this!!)
Cataylst (BCAAs to fuel muscles)
Crave Check (helps keep me in control of my appetite)
Nighttime Recover (for those heavy workout days when I know I'll be sore!)
Sleepworks (best.sleep.ever.)
Oasis (relaxing herbal drink)
Clear Mood

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