
Christmas Memories


Well here it goes....

The holidays and Christmas were some very busy times. I loved every minute, but right now as I am typing this I am enjoying the down time from all of the fun holiday celebrating we did. And actually it always starts with Thanksgiving weekend. I love to put up my Christmas decorations the weekend of Thanksgiving. It has always been one of my favorite things to do. It makes me feel like we get to enjoy the Christmas spirit that much longer. This year was lots of fun, as the kids were a whole year older. I still don't think they really get the concept of opening presents, but they sure did love everything about the lights, the Christmas tree and all of the decorations. Dylan learned to say "Christmas Tree" this year and Haylee was all about the "balls" on the tree. Of course by the end of the month most of my tree was half naked. Good thing I got the non-shatter ornaments this year, because little miss Haylee thought they were fun to play with...

Christmas Eve we went up to Greg's Lopez side of the family since last year we did not see them. Haylee was just a baby and I did not want to be out of the house and around a lot of people. It was really nice to see everyone. We only stayed for a few hours since our kids wont stay put for too long. They are at the stage where they are into everything. Later that evening we met my mom, my dad, my step mom and grandma for a nice Christmas Eve dinner. After dinner we came home to open a few presents, and put on the kids matching pajamas (first year of a new tradition) they looked so cute! Growing up I always got to open a gift on Christmas Eve, and I remember being so excited about it! Christmas morning we woke up and opened up presents with just our family. The excitement on the kids faces were so special. After we opened the presents we headed up to my sisters to have Christmas with my mom and my niece and nephews. It was a very nice morning. Later that afternoon we had Greg's mom's side of the family over for a beautiful Christmas dinner. The Saturday after Christmas we then went to my dad and step mom's to have another little Christmas. My step sister comes down with her kids every year, so we get to see them. As you can see it's a pretty crazy holiday for us, but I truly love this time of the year and being surrounded by family is one of my favorite things. My family is so special to me and their is just something about Christmas- that deep down inside I wish it could be all year long!

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