
Haylee Lynn:: 1 Month Old


My baby girl is 1 month old. Where does the time go? This last month has been pretty busy in our house. Going from 1 baby to 2 babies is definitely a game changer. Trying to figure out how to split your time with both is a challenge. What I thought was going to be very hard actually has become very easy ( well not easy ) but easier then I thought. I have made it a priority to make sure Dylan is still getting all the attention as he has been the only child for the last 3 years. It won't need to happen all the time, but we wanted to make sure the transition of a new sibling in the house was a smooth as possible.

Haylee is very different from her brother as a baby, but that was expected! Not every baby is the same. She is very needy and what I mean by that is she will not let me put her down. The baby bjorn has become my best friend. She does not like her swing or her bouncy seat unless she is sleeping. We recently had to switch formulas on her. She has been very gassy and fussy for a few days. After doing some research most babies have an allergy to cows milk and it is very hard on their bellies. So we decided to switch her over to Nutramigen, it is a Lactose Free formula. If any mom's our formula feeding I would recommend this as it saved our life and really helped her. She is a total different baby then she was just 2 days ago. She sleeps pretty good at night and is only waking up once which is huge for only being 4 weeks old. She smiles a lot and just a little love bug! I am loving having a girl, but very different from a boy. We love you Haylee!

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