
Prayer Request


I wanted to introduce a very special and new friend to Dylan and I. A few weeks back I went to Dylan's follow up appointment at his Cardiologist and while waiting in the office for an hour to see his doctor I met a lovely family with a little girl named Ava. As we talked more and more we came to find out that Dylan and Ava our one day apart. Dylan was born on June 26, 2012 and Ava was born on June 27, 2012. They also share the same heart condition and both have "Down Syndrome". They also had no idea during the pregnancy that Ava would have down syndrome. Our stories were exactly the same! As Dylan was going for his follow up appointment Ava was going to her pre-op appointment to have surgery on December 17. I talked a lot about Dylan's surgery and shared pictures and how awesome he did! I also gave them comfort in knowing that the doctor's and nurses are AMAZING at Choc. It felt so heart warming that I could sit and talk to another family who was going through the same emotions that Greg and I went through and comfort them in there time of being scared and stressed. I knew exactly how they were feeling. So before leaving Tanya who is Ava's mom, we exchanged numbers and emails and told her to please call me for anything and that I would love to have a play date with both of our babies! As I drove home, I thought to myself how much of God's work this is. He put us in the same room for a reason on the same day! He truly is amazing!

In telling this story Ava went in for surgery on Monday December 17 and she did awesome in surgery and was doing great until yesterday. She came down with a virus that is called MRSA and she has a little tear that is leaking and cannot have regular formula. They switched her to a fat free formula but is not liking it and in doing that she is not eating much. They are keeping her very isolated and everyone has to wear gowns that comes to visit her. They are hoping the tear will heal but for some reason not they may have to put her on medication and last resort could possibly lead to another surgery.

If everyone could please pray for Ava to be strong through this and that her little heart will pull through. Please pray for Ava's mommy and daddy that god will give them the strength to be strong for there little girl. This family is very dear to my heart as we went through the same thing and it hits very close to home. It is not an easy thing to see your baby go through something like this. I will keep everyone posted. We hope and pray she can be home for Christmas for her first Christmas with Santa!!

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