
Clean Eating


About 2 weeks ago I decided to take a different approach in my eating habits. Ever since Dylan was born and finding out that he has Down Syndrome and an AV Canal heart condition it has made me realize how important our families health is and to learn as much as I can to keep him healthy and strong as he gets older . Not that I did not realize before and not that I was not healthy before I just never paid attention to things that I was buying at the market, or thought something was healthy but it really was not. Most Down Syndrome children are at a higher risk for health issues. I was googling the other day ( which is something I do often) and I came across this article: It was very interesting!
Educating myself on foods and clean eating is not going to happen over night it is a lifestyle change. It is something that you need to be passionate about and really learn what you are putting into your body. It has only been a couple of weeks but I feel healthy and I finally have some energy. I am also someone who suffers from an Under active Thyroid and if some of you don't know that is when your thyroid is running slower and it is MUCH harder to lose weight. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago through a blood test. I have been on medication ever since. The medication is what helps keep it under control but what you eat and how you exercise can help you benefit that much more. I have tried every diet and of course once you go off you gain it right back. Then having Dylan I gained 40 pounds. I still have about 10 pounds to go to be at the weight I was before I had him, but I was not at the weight I wanted to be before I got pregnant. I have realized that it's not about dieting and making yourself go crazy by getting on that scale everyday. Its a life style change. It's learning how to eat and how you feel after you eat. I will never be that magazine skinny model but what matters to me is feeling good about myself no matter what. Everyone is different and how they look and each metabolism is different and just because mine is a little slower and I may have to work a little harder that is just how god made me!
I am so excited for this new journey in my life. It has actually been a long time coming but never really put my first step forward. Of course having my son has been one major factor but I feel you really have to be ready to make changes in your life in order to get everything you want out of it. I will be posting recipes on my blog and also articles that I may find along the way. I hope you will follow me along this fun and great journey!

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