
35 and Living My Best


This past year a lot of things have changed personally in my life. It's almost been a year since leaving my full time job to be home with my babies that I was at for almost 7 years. Its been 7 months since embarking on my new journey of health and clean eating, 10 years of being with my best friend and love of my life, and just 1 week away from turning 35. All of these things have made me reflect a lot on who I am as a person, mom, wife, friend, daughter and what I want most... out of life! When I left my job it was one of the hardest decisions I had to make personally and financially. Even though I knew it was the best thing, I also knew it was going to be a big transition in my life. Not only was I struggling with my energy, weight and after a few months of being home, I was struggling with "my time" I don't even know what that meant anymore? From raising a child with special needs and going 500 million miles a minute, just to get to the next therapy session, but also having this full of energy little girl there was no time in my day for me. It's exhausting, it's hard, it's draining, and it was taking a tole on me. The question I finally asked myself was how can I be a good mom and wife when I am not happy? "To be happy within yourself, will shine through you In everything you do in life" Yup! Not sure about you, but that's what I wanted? In January when I was invited to one of my best friends house for a ladies night to hear about AdvoCare, it was truly the right time, the best time and the perfect time in my life when I needed it the most! I walked out of there full speed ahead and never looked back. I wanted this change more then ever, I wanted myself back, and that energy to be a great mom to my babies and a loving wife to my husband! In the past 7 months I have not only lost 16 pounds (which was my only goal when I started) but my husband has lost over 20 pounds and my mom over 30. It has changed my entire families way of life!But the biggest thing is, it has brought Joy, financial help, new friends old and new, but most of all a PURPOSE in myself again! Purpose to wake up everyday happy, purpose to not only love and feel happy, but to share and help so many people along the way. Purpose to give my family a great life, and especially my kids an amazing life full of happiness, love and greatness! Saying "yes" to myself has never felt better....

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