
Because letting go feels so good...


Today was one of those days, or should I say it's been one of those weeks! ️Haylee has two molars coming in and Dylan has had a cold all week and super cranky. Neither of them took no more then an hour nap and I was not about to sit in my house with almost 3 hours to spare before Dylan's therapy. So we headed down to the beach for a run and some play time on the swings. My husband and I are not much beach people and don't really take the kids. If you know me, I am a crazy clean,neat/freak, so to think of all the sand makes me cringe..even though I grew up at the beach and once surfed when I was in high school. I do love to run on the beach and living by the beach is a dream. Today after playing on the swings I decided to bring Dylan down to the water, and (yes this was the first time his toes have ever been in the ocean,) and I cried like a baby. I felt like a horrible mom and asked myself "why did I not do this earlier"? His face was so overwhelmed with joy And he loved it so much he even found a family to play with and build sand castles with. This family was so sweet and was here visiting from Utah. They fell in love with Dylan at first sight. (How could you not) I talked with the mom about hard days, good days and raising a child with Down syndrome. She was literally one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. This day for me was truly a special one.

This week has truly been one of the hardest weeks for me as a stay at home mom. I have realized it is down right the hardest job I have ever had. But when I lay my head down at night I thank the lord everyday that I get to be home with them, raise them and cherish every moment I can. Today I learned to let go of trying to control everything and enjoying the small things in life, and creating special moments for my kids. Is raising a child with Down syndrome hard?? Heck yes it is, but there are more rewarding days then hard days. My life is fuller, happier and full of love because of my son. Today he taught me about love, happiness, and this one life we have been given-to make every moment count!

IMG_0290 from Michelle Lopez on Vimeo.

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