
Dylan Gregory Lopez:: 3 Years Old


Well it's almost been a week since our little boy turned 3. The night before Dylan's birthday after we put the kids down for bed, Greg and I set up a happy birthday sign, put presents out and blew up balloons for him. We asked ourselves..."where did the time go" It feels like yesterday we were waking up to my water breaking and headed are way to the hospital to have our beautiful baby boy, not knowing the amazing and beautiful surprise that god was going to give us!

For Greg and I Dylan's birthday is always a very happy and emotional day. Dylan is are joy, are life and the happiest little human being that was ever made possible and we are so lucky to be his parents. It brings back and will always remind of us, of the memories we shared the day he came into this world. Not knowing Dylan was going to be born with Down Syndrome. I will cherish that day forever and always! Dylan is truly the happiest little boy in the world and his smile could light up a room from a mile away. He is always so happy and loves his family so much.

This year has been a huge change in everything as far as Dylan goes. Since Dylan turned 3 this year he will be starting pre-school in the fall. I am so excited for this next chapter in his life and we are praying for a great teacher. I was a little apprehensive with him going to school, but I think I am getting over that now. This past Monday he had summer school. We are only putting him in it two days a week so he can get used to the idea of being around other kids and in a different environment. He did great! We will remain with the regional center, but he is now with the school district and on his way to being one smart little boy.

Dylan is walking so much better and getting stronger everyday. He loves to try and run when we tell him it's bath time or potty time. (yes we are working on that slowly but surely) He also likes to run from his sister when she trys to take his toys. We are now working on walking up and down steps and moving from one different surface to the next. His speech is doing awesome! He is starting to put 2 words together like..."all done" "get it" "help me' and his little voice is just the cutest. We are working very hard on him feeding himself with a fork and spoon instead of just finger feeding, this has been a bit of a challenge. Dylan likes to do what Dylan likes to do. As we say "we live in his world" and we have fun doing it. Dylan loves to run from you when it's bath time, he loves to blow kisses, and always to his sister before bed time. He loves to say "shhh" when sissy is sleeping and even when he sees her monitor. He loves to explore and be outside, he loves his daddy and the bond they have is so hert felt. His smile is pure joy and he is the love o

Dylan is the best big brother ever. He loves to help his sister with learning things, if she drops a toy he picks it up and gives it back to her, and he loves to give her kisses all day long. I could have never imagined Haylee and Dylan and the relationship that they have. It truly is a special bond. He has a heart of gold. Dylan is a great sleeper. He goes down around 7:00pm and wakes up around 6:00am. He has to have his milk first thing in the morning and always, always has to have the movie "cars" on. Not sure how much Dylan weighs as we have his doctor's appointment in a few weeks. I do know that he is my little peanut. He is still in 18months-2T clothes.

To our sweet Dylan. Your mommy and daddy love you so much and you truly are the greatest gift god has ever given us. We love you so much and can't wait to see what the future holds. This world is a better place because you are in it, and I pray everyday you will touch the lives of so many and soften the hearts of everyone you meet along this journey and amazing thing we call life.

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

No birthday is complete without some Susie Cakes

IMG 8721 from Michelle Lopez on Vimeo.

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