
Dylan Update:: 2 1/2 Years Old


Well its been awhile since I have given a little update on our little man. I thought I should get it out of the way before our new little princess gets here and our worlds become much busier with a family of 4!

Dylan is now 2 1/2  and so full of energy! He is in therapy 5 days a week and one of those days he is still in his special ED program on Tuesday mornings for a mommy and me class. This program is so amazing and we love every single one of his teachers. This school is so awesome and will help to prepare Dylan for preschool next year. He is receiving physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy at an amazing facility near our home. Dylan is working so hard on his walking and he is getting close. I for sure thought he would be walking by time his sister came, but now we have set a goal for Christmas time, and if not that is ok. Dylan will do things on his own time. He is doing great in speech. He still few little words, but is slowly starting to learn them and say them. He is great with his body parts and his eating. He loves all sorts of foods, but is still a little picky at trying new things. It's a texture thing, but we are working on that.

Last week we also took Dylan for his yearly check up for his heart and he passed with flying colors! The surgery was a great success with minor leakage from the holes they closed and that is what we want to hear!

Dylan loves playing with his toys, going on walks with daddy and playing with his sister (Baily the dog) they have such a great relationship and Bailey is so sweet with him and we love watching them play together. Dylan LOVES music so much he actually will sit and watch a whole episode of the voice with us. He has always loved music from the time he was a little baby. Maybe he will be a musician one day. Greg and I love watching Dylan grow everyday and seeing him learn new things gives us such joy. I have been home now for the past 3 weeks and I am loving every moment of it. I love being able to be with Dylan everyday and be apart of all of his daily routines. We are so proud of him and we will continue to help Dylan each and everyday with his goals and needs. Here are some pictures from the past few months....

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