
2 Years Old


Where does the time go? I ask myself that everyday. I cannot believe my baby boy is 2 years old. I feel like it was yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital and we are about to do it all over again with baby #2.

Dylan has been growing like a weed. He gets cuter and cuter everyday! His smile and laughs just light a room up where ever we are. Dylan loves milk morning and night. He prefers it in a very specific sippy cup and that is OK. He is a very picky eater and wants nothing to do with vegetables. He loves yogurt so much he could eat it all day long. I try everyday to get him to try more fruits and veggies, but he refuses. The good thing is we still have time:) He sleeps from 7:30 at night till about 6:00am in the morning. He loves his baths, but hates being washed. He is not quite walking yet, but we are praying lots that those little legs get stronger everyday. He is learning lots of words, but as of right now he knows "Dada" very well and likes to make lots of animal sounds. He has a very stubborn personality and I can thank my husband for that one....He adores music and wants to listen to it all day long. He signs a lot and that is awesome for communication. He tickles everyone he sees and thinks its the funniest thing around. We have just started taking him to the pool in a little floaty and he absolutely loves it. I see our summer being spent at the pool. He is not into cuddling much and it makes me very sad. If we get lucky and he is just so beyond tired he will rock with Greg or I and fall asleep, and when that happens I don't want to put him down. My little boy is growing up right before my eyes and it makes me sad. I cherish every moment that I can and soak all of it in. He is our little love and he makes our world go round!

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