
Family and Love


There is something about family that I have always loved more then anything! Family to me is everything and more. I grew up with lots of cousins, aunts, uncles and always having family around. I have so many memories as a child that I can still remember and have truly made me the person I am today. I don't know what I would have done with out them.

Because I grew up with family always around and the same with Greg we knew that we wanted the same for our family and children. When we had Dylan it became more apparent that we wanted it more and more. We want to always know that Dylan is loved no matter what and that his brother's, sister's, cousins, grandma's, auntie's, uncle's grandpa's all LOVE him more then anything! He is truly a blessing to our entire family. His cousins light up when he is around and I cannot wait to see how they all grow up together and protect him. Dylan's love and compassion has brought our family closer then we could have ever imagined!

A couple weekend's ago my Aunt and Uncle were visiting from Pennsylvania for the weekend and of course it is a great excuse to get everyone together for a family BBQ. We played games, ate lots of food and enjoyed each other's company. I wish we could all live on some big farm somewhere and have little houses all right next to each other, but unfortunately that will never happen. That day we attempted to get all the kids together for a group photo-just like we do every time, but this time we hit the jack pot! It turned out so good that I am going to have it blown up and put in my house. This picture gives me so much joy and peace in my heart and fills me up with so much love! It reminds me so much of my child hood and how much I love my cousins....

Family is truly my life and when all else fails, Family and God will always be there to hug you and guide you through life!!

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