
Dylan::19 Months


Where to start with this little guy. Dylan turned 19 months last Sunday and I cannot believe where the time went? I feel life in general just goes by way to fast, but I feel when you have babies it goes by even faster. I want it to stop right now! With a blink of an eye my little Dylan will be 20 years old before we know it.

Dylan officially started a school program a few weeks back on Tuesday's and he is loving it! We go for 2 hours and work on speech, signing, snack time, walking and lots of play time. We have met so many new friends and mommies and we are so happy!

Dylan is crawling every where and I mean everywhere. He hates being trapped behind the gate anymore and always wants to be right where everyone is. This kid is so full of laughter and love that it always makes my day a brighter one. My days are getting a little harder to leave as I miss him now. Not that I did not miss him before, but with him being older and having so much fun these days I want to spend every waking hour with him. Dylan is an amazing eater. He loves pancakes, eggs, yogurt, avocado, pears, apples, cheese you name it he will eat it! He is still sleeping about 11 hours a night and is still one early riser. This kid likes to wake up with the roosters ( 5:30am) not sure if this will ever change, but hopefully one day so mommy and daddy can get some sleep. We got Dylan a little red "Beep Beep" as we call it. It's the little red car that we can push him around in. He loves going on walks in that thing. He has been teething really bad these last few days. Yesterday he actually had a fever and was not feeling very well. I think the top 2 molars that are coming in have been the worst yet. I hope this will by pass soon because I hate seeing him in pain.

Dylan is the light of our days. He truly is the most sweetest and loving boy I could ever ask for. He just gets funnier and cuter everyday of the week!

We have switched therapy locations that is much closer to our house. Dylan goes there 2 hours a week and loves his new therapist. We our working on walking and getting those little muscles of his stronger everyday!

We love you Dylan Gregory Lopez!

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