
The Simple Things


Every day you are surrounded by sheer beauty.

The question is, are you feeling it, are you aware of it…or are you too busy in your mind?

The beauty could be in the form of a rising sun, the sound of your child’s laugh, the flowing steam off a fresh morning coffee, or that beautiful and coy smile from a stranger on your way to work. When we think of beauty, most of us immediately think of things such as beautiful places with exotic beaches, a sexy model, a masterpiece painting, or many other PHYSICAL things in life. I contemplated the idea of beauty the other day and I realized the things I find in life the MOST beautiful are those things that I cannot touch, taste, or even see.

They are purely invisible, yet they have the greatest and most profound weight of beauty on my heart and soul.

I truly feel that this is on purpose. I think this is the way God works. Why create the most beautiful things and make them 100% detectable by our senses? Where is the mystery and wonder in that? Isn't that part of what makes things beautiful anyway…the mystery, the unknown?
Here are the 3 Most Beautiful Things in Life That Are Invisible
(in no particular order)…
  • Sounds/Music/Silence
I don’t know about you, but music to me is the most moving art form in this world. There are songs that take me to another world and make me feel something that I cannot put my finger on. Music is simply powerful and it has the force to change the world. I read once that the reason we fall into the rhythm and beat of music is because it reminds us of our mother’s heartbeat when we were in the womb. To me, this makes sense.

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music. I get most joy in life out of music.” -Albert Einstein

Besides music, even simple sounds in life can be the most beautiful “music”. This could be the laugh of a child, the sound of a thunderstorm or a subtle morning rain while lying in bed or the at all, it is pure silence.  When we go silent, our minds and bodies have a chance to “reset” and calm down. When this occurs, a sense of peace and rest comes over us. Not only that, we clear out the mental static in our minds and we are able to see the world more clearly.
“Silence is the mother of truth.” -Benjamin Disraeli

  • Contentment/Peace
Peace and contentment cannot be touched, seen or smelled. It is not visible to the naked eye, yet it can be deeply felt within us. You cannot buy peace of mind or personal contentment, it is simply achieved. Everyone has their own path to peace within. The trick is navigating the waters of life and not getting drowned by the waves.

Remember that peace and contentment can be found in small moments and small things!

You simply need to find the small things in life that give you a sense of fulfillment, a sense of peace within, and do them often. It could be as simple as taking 10 minutes out of your day to meditate or do deep breathing. It could be playing with your kids at the local playground. It could be writing poems, doodling, or going to the lake to fly kites.
  • LOVE
Last but not least, the most beautiful thing in the world…love. We were born from love, and we live to love. Love is the single greatest driving force in our lives. It is our purpose to love and to be loved. At the very core of every action, this is our greatest need. The invisible power of love is the greatest single thing we can give to one another. Love has the power to break down walls, unite countries, create hope and beautiful pieces of art and cinema, and totally change the world…one single person at a time. Learn to harness the power of love in your heart and your life. Drop your ego. Stop being selfish. Give away love and watch it comeback to you tenfold. The next time you cook or write something, do it with love and watch what happens.

“Beauty is a primeval phenomenon, which itself never makes its appearance, but the reflection of which is visible in a thousand different utterances of the creative mind, and is as various as nature herself.” -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Happy Friday!

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