


Yesterday I received a text from a very dear friend telling me how proud she was of Greg and I and that our strength was so enduring and the love between the both of us was amazing! She also told me not to be afraid to cry or let out my emotions, that she would be there if I just wanted to let it all out, that I did not need to hide anything from her......“The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations.”

Her text drove me to write to let everyone know how we are healing and how we are dealing with the unexpected conditions of our son Dylan. I really don't like saying "Dealing" because he is our son and we created him and we love him so much!! We have gotten so many text, phone calls, email, cards and I know I have not gotten back to everyone and I apologize. This past month has been a lot of adjusting and taking care of our baby boy. Greg is back to work and I am being a mommy. Of course I have a lot of added extra things on my plate. I have to take Dylan to 3 different doctors to make sure he is on track for his surgery and everything with his heart is good. I will be honest, I am scared to death for my son to go into surgery. The thought of him being under for 2 hours makes my heart ache. When I think about it I cry. I hurt for him. I wish I could hold his hand and be there, but I am not aloud in the room. I have done a lot of research and he will be in great hands and these surgeries are done all the time. This surgery will be a great outcome for a great future for him. I just want to get it done and over with so we can move on!!! I hate the feeling of thinking something is wrong with his heart everyday and being nervous to do anything. But the doctors have told us that he is moving a long great and if there was something more serious they would tell us. We had one therapy session for his down syndrome and just waiting for our new teacher to contact us and then she will be with him until he is 3. He is eating great and amazingly almost sleeping through the night!! I guess we got lucky. Dylan never cries and if he does it is like a little wine. He is amazing!!!

As we walk through this journey of life things happen and sometimes we know right away, sometimes we don't know till later and sometimes we may never know. Life has unexpected paths for everyone. That is what life is about is the unexpected, we don't know that will happen today, tomorrow or 10 years from now but if we see the beauty in the unexpected life will all make sense. How boring would life be if we knew every second of everyday? There have been many things in my life that have happened and I don't know why they happened to me and I would ask God why, and never got answers? If we trust and believe our path will one day make everything seem all worth it. " Seek love and Strength no matter what life brings you and God will always provide"

This journey Greg and I have been given all makes sense. When Dylan was born I will tell you I was devastated, I was so sad that my son was not normal, I was sad he would not look like Greg and I, I mean he will have some of our features and we created him but not the way I expected or dreamed of. The paths that Greg and I have gone down through our lives have brought us to this very moment in time. I know we will have many more journeys and ups and downs but Dylan's journey has made us realize our purpose in life. God brought Greg and I together, let us fall deeply in love with each other and let us have this beautiful baby boy. He knew that we would be the most amazing parents to him!! We have a lot of research to do to make sure our son has the best life, but with my CRAZY organizational mind set we will get it done! Greg and I are doing great and love being a mommy and daddy. I could have 5 more!

Remember life will never be perfect, God never told us it would be easy or wrote a book on how life would be? We just live life. You can choose to keep your head down or you can choose to keep it held hi. Weather you have had an experience like Greg and I or have a child with Down Syndrome or maybe some other experience that has made you question. Don't question? Just live an amazing life, because it could be gone tomorrow. Enjoy the beauty of life your families, your children and that you are alive. Take those experiences that we have all had and use them, take those people who have touched our lives in many ways and love them.You may not talk to them anymore or they may have passed but for some reason or another they were in your life for a reason. I hope that our story will help you to know that it is all about healing and you will heal, and that life is unexpected and you love what God gives you and for us it was the MOST amazing beautiful little boy ever! We all grief differently and deal with things in our own ways, but it will get easier. Life will make sense if it does not already. God has a plan for every single one of us and that is the most amazing part of life. It is beautiful and so are you!

My Joy

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