
Down With Love


Well....its been awhile since I have really blogged these days! Life has been a bit crazy, and still trying to find time for myself. I guess that's a little thing called "mother-hood".....

If you follow me already or new to my blog (welcome) this month we are celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month and in our house we LOVE to enjoy this month to not only celebrate our sweet Dylan, but so many that have been blessed with the pure joy of raising a child with down syndrome. There is so much to be said about raising a child with DS, and so much that needs to be heard. When Dylan was born we had no idea about his diagnosis. People ask me all the time "would it have helped or changed you if you knew before"? NO! Nothing prepares you for parenting or mother hood. No book, No movie, NO previous advice of our parents. Yes we can get plenty of words of wisdom, but we learn as we go. And the raw honest truth is even if I did know, nothing would have changed my mind. It was my child, a child that god perfectly planned out for our family, and he would be loved just as we knew we would.....

But guess what? Were we sad? Of course we were....Were we scared? You better believe it! The fact is that our son was born with DS, something that we knew nothing about or even knew where to start, but to LOVE, because that's what we do. We love our children NO MATTER what!  Everything else would be figured out. We cried, we laughed, and in the mean time got the news that Dylan would have to have open heart surgery at 4 months old! FACT:: 65% of down syndrome kids will be diagnosed with a heart defect. Some will repair on there own, and some in our case will need surgery to close the holes so they can live a healthy and full life. Thank GOD for our modern medicine and doctors these days. Because of them my son will live a full life with a very healthy heart. In Dylan's first year of life he had 3 surgeries, many doctors appointments and lots of what our whole life would be about was therapy appointments! Along this journey of life somewhere somehow God chose me and my husband to be this sweet boys parents. I questioned everyday if I was truly strong enough to be his mommy. Was I strong enough to fight for him everyday of his life. Was I strong enough to deal with the ups and downs and real raw emotions that came along with raising a child with special needs. Was I strong enough to be strong for him? Well the answer is probably not, but somehow God gave me that strength to love and conquer my daily tasks and needs for my sweet boy each and everyday!

So let's flash forward.... Can you believe it....he is just 2 weeks away from being 4 1/2. Where does the time go? In the past four years I have learned so much just from this sweet little soul who I pinch myself everyday that I get to raise him, teach him, love him, and get so many snuggles on a daily basis.  I can truly say I won the jack pot with this handsome little fella! Its pretty interesting to think through life that older generations, famous people, a writer, a president will inspire us to try harder, to live larger, to set those goals and reach for the stars. Well that's not me! My son is my daily inspiration he is my motivator, my everything, the one who makes my heart beat faster and what makes me get up everyday with a smile on my face and push that much harder to be the best I can be! Now I am not saying I am no saint.... I am not perfect, and all I can do is my best. There are a lot of hard days that do come with raising a child with special needs. With DS Dylan's milestones are a lot slower, but on his time. He will learn just a bit behind, but that's ok. He did not walk till he was almost 3, but he did it! He is 4 and now finally being able to express his language with lots of help. Do I have days that I get sad that he can't keep up with the kids at the park, or still can't ride a bike, or he is not quite potty trained, well the list can go on....but what I want all of you to know is no matter what, typical or special needs we are all different, but more alike then we know it!  We all have different strengths and weakness. Work hard on each of them, but celebrate when you accomplish them. Set goals, but be realistic. Love your kids no matter what. Help them, love them and always let them know just how PERFECT they are. Don't put a number on goals, just keep reaching for them. Cause when those goals our met it makes for a very special day!

Do I have dreams for my son? Heck yes.....I have SO Many I don't think I have enough room to write. He is nothing but true love, a free spirit and a heart of gold. Dylan will rule the world one day. He has friends just like you and I. He has favorite movies, candy, food and toys just like you and I. He loves to laugh, be outside, and most of all LOVE everyone around him. Dylan and so many others with Down Syndrome are amazing and the most beautiful souls I have ever met. My  life has never been more full then it is right now! I have been surrounded with an Army of support and Mommy's that I literally could not do life without. They are my inspirations, my shining lights and one's I can count on day in and day out. I am so thankful for our teachers and therapist that truly put there whole life everyday to love and teach our children, and because of them there future just gets brighter and brighter!

I have learned life is just to short! Enjoy the little things, and celebrate the amazing differences in all of us. We can all learn from each and everyone of us. Remember we are more alike then different, and please teach your children to love no matter who we are. If I could have one wish for my son is that, he would be loved and excepted as who Dylan is. God created him perfectly and the best part is he will know, no different. He will always be happy, he will never see the bad in people, he will love unconditionally, and live life to the fullest!

Happy World Down Syndrome Awareness Month......

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