
New Beginnings


Since going back to work with Haylee being born and Dylan growing up so fast, it was much harder this time around going back to work when Haylee was just 3 months old. Everyday I felt I was missing something new they did, or missing my snuggle times with them and missing out on all those fun mommy things we get to do (well sometimes), if that's what you call "fun" (insert laugh)...

About two months ago Greg and I sat down and decided that the best thing we could do as a family is me being home with the kids. We have talked about it often, but we just really did not know when the best time would be. What brought us to our final decision was Dylan starting school and some new therapy programs that Dylan will be starting. I told him, I did not want to miss out on any of it. I can tell you I have prayed for this day since Dylan was born, but financially we could not take the burden of living off of one income. But we knew in time that we could make it work and honestly if you put your mind to it, you can make anything work. 

Monday August, 31st was my last day at my job that I had been at for 5 years. It was a sad but happy day. I will tell you one thing...I will not miss the corporate world one bit, but I will miss the people that I worked with for the last 5 years and all the friendships I made. I will 100% be keeping in contact with all of the wonderful people. As for me, I am over the moon and so happy to get to be home with my babies and enjoy my new job as a full time mommy. The last few days have been pretty crazy, and I totally forgot how hard being a stay at home mom is. I told my husband on our date night on Monday that I will never take for granted being home with my babies. It truly is a prayer answered and these moments I will never-ever forget. My little loves will be 18 in a blink of an eye.

Cheers to new beginnings....

"Loving on these two everyday for the rest of my life"

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