
Haylee Lynn Lopez


“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it”. (Psalms 139:13-14 NLT)
The Bible says you were prescribed before birth. God knew what you would be like. He chose you, and he chose your characteristics. This means you are unique. There is only one you. There is nobody else who could be you. If you don't be you, who is going to be you? You are irreplaceable. I read recently that there are 25,000 varieties of orchids in the world. If I had been God, I would have made a yellow orchid, a blue orchid, and a red orchid. Not God. The creator loves variety — 25,000 different varieties of orchids.
What's even more amazing is there are 4 billion varieties of people. And God made them all. You're unique. Nobody can be you. David says be grateful: “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it” (Psalm 139:14 NLT).Be glad you're you. God didn’t make you by accident. Can you imagine an artist whose paintings all look the same? How about a guy who paints 12 pictures and puts them up in his living room, then the pictures come to life and vote to all become like one. The artist would be disappointed. God doesn't want you to be like anybody else. He wants you to be you.

I cannot believe I am actually sitting down to write this post. It has only taken me a month to get the time to do this. I don't even know what I was thinking in having time to myself once our little girl came into this world!

Well as most of you know Haylee Lynn Lopez was born on November 3, 2014 at 7:54am. She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and 21 inches long. She was absolutely beautiful. When they gave her to me I instantly fell in love. She looked just like her daddy. Black hair and beautiful dark eyes. I chose to have another C-section as it would be much easier since I had already had one with Dylan. We did not want to take any risks so we went ahead and had it scheduled. We checked in at 5:00am that morning and everything went great! I was a little nervous, but I knew the outcome of it and I just set my mind on meeting our baby girl and I did great! Dylan stayed with our nanny that morning till Greg came and picked him up to meet his sister. I was really sad the night before as this was going to be my first time away from Dylan over night ever, but I knew Greg would be with him so it made me feel a little more at ease. We had lots of friends and family come and visit and it was so nice. Later that day Greg brought Dylan to meet his new sister. I was not sure how this was going to go down, but it turned out very nice...even though Dylan did not really know what was going on or who she was. Later that day Greg left with Dylan and it was just me and my beautiful baby girl. It is so nice staying in the hospital for 3 days with a C-section as you really need the help, but I was ready to come home to be with my family.

Haylee is almost a month old and we have been settling very nicely with 2 babies now. If anyone ever tells you it is much easier with 2 babies they are lying to you to your face....It has definitely been an adjustment to our lives with 2 kids now. The first week Dylan was not too sure about her and really did not pay attention to her. I think after a couple of weeks he realized that, this little girl in his home was not leaving and he better give her a try. It is so cute, he loves to give her kisses and looks for her when we say "sissy"! He is slowly adapting to her. I was a little nervous on how he was going to react since he has been the baby for 2 1/2 years now. We have made sure that we still put him first for everything and we give him as much attention as we can. It's hard for me as I am feeding Haylee constantly and he sees me with her, but like I said he has warmed up to her. I cannot wait to see them 6 months from now and how they play together.

Our little girl is growing fast. She eats like it's going out of style and is sleeping anywhere from 2-3 hours. When she wakes up it is like " have the bottle ready" type of feeding. She is a little pistol! She makes the cutest little faces, but they are so serious. I think she will be just like her daddy. He is a very serious and smart man. She is about 8 pounds and 9 ounces now. She is healthy as can be.

I am so happy to be growing our family and watching my babies grow each and everyday. I love nothing more then being a mommy and a wonderful wife to my husband and kids. I dreamed of this my whole life and God has blessed us with our 2 amazing kids. I am so excited to watch Dylan and Haylee grow up together and be best friends ever! I can't wait to have one more one day, but for now I think we are enjoying our family of 4.

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